Cabin fever
Today we drove up to Cripple Creek to get out of the city. And we thought WE had snow! The mountains were buried in over 3 feet of snow. Powdery snow. I tried to make a snowball and it wouldn't form. That's not much fun. Anyway, here's a few photos:
So I finished Barack Obama's book, "The Audacity of Hope" this morning. Great book. Great man. I am very excited to see where this campaign leads. I am hopeful that enough people are ready for a change. He has good ideas and he's smart and funny and seems honest and genuine. I am ready for the Republicans to take a hike. As my 93-year old Auntie said last night, "I hope there aren't any more Bushes that are planning to run for office." Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if ole Jeb poked his head out one year, but I'm very hopeful he will see his shadow and the Bush White House legacy ends with Dubya. I think it's time to elect our first African American president.
As I grow older, I am beginning to become more aware of some annoying habits I have. For some reason, I am getting on my own nerves. It's this humming thing. Anyone who knows me well knows I hum constantly. I mean CONSTANTLY. And even I'm starting to get sick of it. But it's like this weird vocal thing...I can't relax unless my vocal chords are vibrating. The past few days I've really noticed it. I remember the only time anyone has ever called me on it was my friend Brett. It was a weird moment anyway: I was sitting on his couch next to him, watching him on television as he guest starred on Cold Case. It is very weird to watch someone on TV while they are right next to you. And so, I'm humming to myself. He is not around me very much, so apparently this annoyed the fire out of him.
"What are you doing?" he said in a loud voice. I cut my eyes over to him. "Nothing," I said. But I figured I had been humming.
"You're humming!"
"I am?"
"Yes. Stop it."
And so lately I know how he feels. But the thing is, I can't stop it. and that annoys me even more. Once in a while, when we are watching television together, Jan starts humming some greatly annoying song from the 80s, like Lou Reed, just to see if I will pick up on it and start humming it also. And it always works. Next thing I know, she's over on the couch laughing because she made me start humming a different song. She uses this technique if she really hates the song I am currently humming. I will hum anything: Hallmark jungles, the last song that was playing on iTunes before I switched it off, TV theme songs. I am an equal opportunity hummer. And it's really starting to piss me off.
Well, that's all I have to say about that.