Hell's Giftshop

Is the world going to hell in a handbasket? I don't think we're quite there yet. I would say we're close. We're more like...in Hell's Giftshop.

Location: Colorado, United States

I'm a 43-yr. old music lover, off-road enthusiast, camper, gotta-be-outside mountain chick.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Barack the Vote

It's official, he's in. Barack's speech was passionate and was met or interrupted with multiple chants and adoring catcalls from the crowd, to which he flashed those pearly whites in acknowledgement. He is clearly comfortable in front of a crowd, and confident. I liked everything he had to say. I liked the parallel he drew between Lincoln's House Divided speech and the work that is in front of any presidential candidate today: to erase some of the political party lines that have been drawn in the sand by this war and this administration. I'm so excited about Obama '08 that I was moved to buy a Obama lapel pin off his site.

Barack the vote people. It's time for change.


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